St. Joseph was a carpenter
The Gospels tell us he was a carpenter; tradition tells us he was a carpenter, but what does this mean, and why is this significant?
The Gospel of Matthew is the only place that mentions Joseph’s occupation and that is in the context of identifying Jesus: “Is this not the carpenter’s son?”
We tend to identify carpenters as people who build houses, but houses in first-century Israel, as in much of the Middle East, were never built of wood because there simply wasn’t enough timber for construction purposes. Stones (and mud bricks) were the more common building materials. Joseph couldn’t have been building wooden homes.
Please provide the Family Name & contact information for your family.
The form will expand based on the number of family members in your family, so each member can be included in your response if they wish to volunteer.
Lector - either weekend or weekday Masses
Eucharistic Minister - either weekend or weekday Masses
Weekend Altar Server - students, grades 3-12 who serve at Masses
Weekday Altar Server - adults who serve at weekday Masses
Greeter/Usher greets & welcomes the assembly, assists with seating, and takes up the collection.
Funeral Mass Team assists at funeral Masses as Altar Server, Lector, or Eucharistic Minister.
Environment & Art Committee plans & executes seasonal liturgical decorations.
Eucharistic Adoration Committee Members promote the use of the Adoration Chapel. Occasionally meets to plan Holy Hours.
Parish Choir Member sings traditional music at weekend Masses
Instrumentalist/Accompanist plays an instrument at Masses
Bible Study Facilitator faciitate a Bible Study class.
Online/Social Media Content Creator contribute (with the IT team) to develop and display content online and through social media.
Evangelization Program oversee programming for ongoing evangelization initatives.
Evangelization Programs Facilitator facilitate evangelization study class.
Special Projects Team help organize/plan/setup Bible Study and Evangelization programs, Married Couples Club, Valentine's Dance and other events.
RCIA Sponsor support people who are entering the church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
RCIA Hospitality prepares and serves snacks to adults preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation.
Men's Scripture Study - Saturdays 8:00 AM Men of Faith, committed to prayer & fellowship based on Scripture study. Open to all men. Bi-weekly meetings.
Call Ministry serves to connect registered parishioners more firmly to the parish family with an outcome focused on care, encouragement, and prayer by capturing & understanding their thoughts and needs.
Hospitality set up, serve, and clean up for parish events
Baker as needed bakes for parish events
Kitchen Crew purchases and prepares a meal for parish events
Office Volunteers answer phones, stuff envelopes or bulletins, etc.
Garden Ministry volunteer assists in the upkeep of parish gardens
Parish Clean-up Day In the Spring & Fall; rake, mulch, & general clean-up.
Altar Society Members are women of faith committed to prayer & service.
Funeral Luncheons - help prepare and serve luncheons. (Need not belong to Altar Society)
Funeral Luncheon Baker bakes for the Luncheons
Sanctuary Care - help clean the church sanctuary regularly (Need not belong to Altar Society)
Knights of Columbus is a men's Christian organization.
Ladies Altar Society women of faith committed to prayer & service.
Prayer Blanket Ministry provides a blessed prayer blanket to those facing a life crisis. Sew or donate cotton fabric.
Prayer Ministry Team volunteers who pray for parishioners at Masses and throughout the year.
Women of Mary is a women's Christian organization that seeks to follow the example of our spiritual mother, Mary, and to lead women into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Athletics (CYO) Christian Youth Organization for sports. Assist with concessions, admissions, scorekeeping, coaching, and assistant coaching.