The 2024-2025 Elementary Religious Formation year will begin the week of October 6th Confirmation Sessions (7th & 8th grade) begin Monday, September 30th Please come in during the scheduled in-person registration dates to complete the necessary forms. Registration after September 4th will be considered late, and will incur a late fee. We will be making a Call for Catechists very soon. Therefore, it is essential to know the specific Catechist needs for the year. Sacrament Preparation: First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Preparation is a 2 year requirement of Religious Formation classes. If you are new to St. Joseph Parish and registering a child for Year 2 sacramental preparation, we will need a letter from your previous parish’s Formation Program indicating completion of your child’s Year 1 class. The Confirmation Program requires that all students have at least two years of preparation classes in order to be confirmed. The Sacrament of Confirmation is received in 9th grade after two years (7th & 8th grade) of preparation. Any questions, please feel free to contact the Religious Formation Office.