Students in 1st-6th grade attend classes one day a week. We use the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies curriculum which integrates faith formation lessons with the life of the parish community experienced in the Sunday Eucharist. The weekly lessons are centered around the upcoming Sunday Gospel – and the children learn their faith within the rhythms of the liturgical year – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. . . as it emphasizes the importance of opportunities for family faith-sharing and prayer.
The Sunday Liturgy is the heart of our parish community. The weekly celebration is more meaningful to young people because they are familiar with the Gospel proclaimed each week. They have studied it in their weekly lessons and shared it with you at home by the time they are in church for the weekend it will be the third time they have heard it. Hearing the Gospel this many times helps them fully grasp what the Gospel is about each weekend.
With this program all students and their families hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They learn the Gospel. They love the Gospel. They live the Gospel in their daily lives. They share the Gospel both in the community of faith and, by their witness and loving service of others, with every person they meet.
What the Church Believes and Teaches – student catechism handbook is used in the classroom and comes home at the end of the year
Our choices for Elementary class days and times are:
· Tuesday 4:45pm-6:15pm
· Early Wednesday 4:00pm-5:30pm
· Late Wednesday 6:00pm-7:30pm
Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist require that your child be baptized in the Catholic Church or have made a Catholic Profession of Faith. We will need a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate, unless he/she has been baptized here at St. Joseph Parish.
To receive these sacrements your child will attend Religious Formation for at least 2 consecutive years, then they will receive them both toward the end of their 2nd year or 2nd grade. It is not uncommon to have 1st, 2nd and maybe a 3rd grader in on of our "1st year" classes.
Children who have reached the age of reason are catechized for the celebration and reception of these Sacraments.
It is extremely important for your child to come to Mass every week so that he/she knows that celebrating the Eucharist is something we do as a community on a regular basis. The word “Eucharist” means thanksgiving. We gather, and are thankful, for all we have in Jesus, and we are strengthened to be able to continue to live as the Body of Christ. If this has not been your pattern of worship, please take the opportunity to make this a priority.
Your example of faith is essential to your child’s life of faith.
If you are interested or would like to know more information about what's involved in being a Catechist or Catechist Aide this year, please contact Kim Donahue, Director of Religious Formation at (248) 446-8700, Ext. 115.