This year's Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) theme comes from the motto of Archbishop Vigneron, which he adopted from the Letter to the Hebrews: “Let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.”
It is this steadfast focus on Jesus that gives us the strength and courage to go about the work of sharing our love of Jesus Christ with others.
The 2024 Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) kicks-off the first weekend of May. The 2024 theme is "WITH EYES FIXED ON JESUS". You may have already received your pledge form in the mail. The parish appreciates your support of last year’s CSA, as we met our goal with funds being returned to the Parish. We invite you once again to reflect upon God’s many gifts in a spirit of Christian stewardship. The CSA enables us to carry out Christ’s ministry of mercy and love throughout Southeast Michigan and beyond — works no individual or parish could possibly do alone. When we embrace the CSA for carrying out the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, we witness Christ, and in turn, we open doors so others may also develop a deeper relationship with Him. We also extend our personal involvement in our local church beyond our home parishes.
Your CSA Donations Make a Difference
Your support of CSA helps support many diocesan services as noted below. These services help all parishes within the diocese to support the vital services and ministries that help bring the love of Christ to all we encounter. “Love and good works” of the Church occur through dozens of ongoing ministries which are made possible through your CSA pledge. These are difficult times; we ask each parishioner ‘to do your best’ to help meet our 2024 goal. Updates will be provided in the bulletin.
The Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) is an important way for parishioners to support the larger mission of the Church. Here’s a simple breakdown of why it matters, especially with the recent changes to how it’s assessed:
In short, CSA is not just about helping your parish; it's about supporting the larger Church and making sure everyone, no matter where they live or how big their parish is, can continue to benefit from the Church’s services and programs.
CSA is a bill the parish must pay.
If we do not meet our target goal the shortfall comes out of the parish general fund. If we exceed our goal, donations in excess of our goal will be returned to the parish. Again this year, you have the option to make your pledge or payment electronically, by credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT) from a bank.
Thanking you, in advance, for your continued stewardship at St. Joseph Parish.
May God bless you for your heartfelt donation and continued support.
St. Joseph Parish
Cathy Germaine, CSA Chairperson